Mixed Mode
Every study is different and every research method carries advantages and disadvantages. The selection of an appropriate research method always depends on a variety of factors. Requirements can be result from a combination of several research methods being useful.
Inquiries where several different research methods are used are referred to as “mixed mode”.
This approach is applied when the test subjects of a sample cannot all be reached equally well using a single research method. This would lead to distortions which can be avoided by a combination of various reply paths.
On the other hand mixed mode inquiries are used to allow the test persons the choice between various types of survey. It is up to the test persons which answer path they use. In addition to avoiding distortion effects this approach also has the goal of achieving a higher response rate and better quality answers.
Basically all existing types of research can be combined together. Combinations of online and paper surveys are most often used. Telephone surveys can also be integrated into the mix.
However, mixed mode inquiries also contain error sources. Whether such a survey type is suitable should be weighed up in individual cases.
We develop an appropriate research design in close cooperation with our customers. The aspects objective, target group, response, budget and schedule are the key focus. We will happily advise you on the possible options.